Saturday, February 19, 2011

Katelyn Scott Daly: Prevailing Artist, Writer, Amazing Kid

I believe this world thrives on mutual respect, and giving credit where credit is due. This saying is one of many that forge the paths of many writers. I'm cashing in my support-your-local-writer ticket today.  I went to school with this lady, I watched her talent unfold as a friend and colleage. I grew up looking up to her, and so I'm reposting this because she deserves every bit of praise she can get from this article. Read and enjoy :)

Katelyn Scott Daly: Prevailing Artist, Writer, Amazing Kid

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Phoenix 2.0

Hello old friend,

I suppose you would like to know where this writer has been? Well the answer in it's simplest form is: I was on vacation . ..  of a sort. You see, I have gotten a job as a creative writer for an e commerce company, and the work that they had me doing for a while was rather consuming. That is, until I was introduced to marketing and social media.

Let me just say, wow. Ladies and gents? if giant and humungous had a child . ..  it would be the word for how large social media has become. I've only just begun, yet I feel like this tub of work I'm in is filling up over my head. And I really don't care. Facebook and twitter are just the beginning. There's Digg, StumbleUpon, Blogs galore, Merchant Circle, Yelp, Delicious . . . holy hell I could sit here and list till the end of time.

Anyway, that's where I've been, perhaps I should write a little about more of the writing portion of my job? This is the journey of a writer after all.

So it all began with the search for a job. I got lucky. Sure I had accounts on Monster and with all the major classifieds of the city, I was also looking into schools to pursue education just in case the working world found me wanting. I checked everyday, printed out everything I applied too, listed numbers of contacts to call back, and even tailored different versions of resumes and cover letters for different industries. I had one for Creative Writing positions, Marketing Positions, Publishing Positions and Clerical Positions . . . yes those are capitalized for a reason. If there is a word for being overly organized put it here. wait. I'll go ahead and put it for you: [anal job searching]. Anyway the search continued like the search for peace in the world, until one day, I came home from my temp job and decided to rifle through Craigslist. Sure enough, among the sea of porn screenplay want ads and freelance computer textbook writers was Wanted: Creative Writer for Ecommerce Company.

I could practically hear the angels in the background. This is where lady luck came out and kissed me square on the mouth: I emailed my resume and portfolio and received a call within an hour. Within 24 hours I was interviewed and hired.
Within 2 weeks I was sitting in my own office with a computer and a direct line.

All in all there's nothing glamorous about my position. I write web content for three different websites, keep up with their corresponding social media, help out with marketing development, and of course write blogs and newsletters (although that hasn't kicked in yet). I learn something new every day, about uploading content, about html, about formatting images and even about how to use websites effectively as a business.

The biggest thing about my job is demand for discipline in creativity: It must happen everyday, and it must be good. This makes me ecstatic-well now. At first it was tedious and troublesome. In college you write in spurts, in college you write at the last possible moment or when you feel that the fattest muse is in the room with you.  This job has already done wonders for making me sit down and write for web content.

Yet I noticed that the stories were gathering dust. This blog has stood silent way too long. I was going to take an extended vacation from writing outside work but now that seems unwise. I would miss it too much. The inspiration for a story would start to burn inside of me like a phoenix. Perhaps the new one has been born of its own ashes? Perhaps this is my Phoenix2.0.

Let's see where the stories are eh?
God I missed you blog :)