Monday, October 4, 2010

Writing exercise

in exactly one minute, I am going to write for exactly half an hour. lets see where this gets me.

Last night in my dreams I left work and went out to eat with some friends. What was meant to be a  five minute leave of absence ended up being close to an hour. So, of course, in my dream I had no concept of time, and it may have very well been five minutes later when I returned.

And much to my dismay the front door was unlocked, and the entire 300 lbs Iron safe was gone. Just picked up and walked out. And even thought it was a video retail shop, some jewelry was gone from the glass casing, as was my jacket. I called the police, my boss, and they all stumble through the door like drunken maniacs. Their eyes are red and my boss, Gary's tone is rasped and short.

He is beyond mad.

I shake uncontrollably as the police ask me questions
[two minute break to pour out some tea]

My voice is as far from being hysterical as a hair's decent on a knife. My eyes are on Gary as he paces back and forth on the phone with his boss, Raymond. The police seem to fade as ghosts into the background as I stand and walk through their filmy presences and stand before Gary and Raymond, who is now miraculously here. They are standing inside the back room, which was left untouched for lack of key access. It crosses my mind strange that the robbers would lift 300 lbs of dead weight
[4 minute break for kitty pettings and retrieving tea]
...lift dead weight and still not rip the door off the hinges. They are talking about me, and standing there makes me remember what Gary asked me when he got through the door "where were you when this was all happening"
I tell him.
He looks at me incredulously. "What are we going to do about this?"
"Sir, before you let me go, please salvage any respect you have left for me and give me the opportunity to put my two weeks in first."
That gives you till november. In my dream we were in March. Some notice.
It was here that I begin to cry hysterically-remembering the conversation, realizing that I didn't want to leave my job, and knowing that I had absolutely no control here whatsoever.
What's interesting is I am strangely invisible to their conversation. Raymond is weighing the loss over the mistake, and for some reason, thinking it not necessary to let me go. Gary has no choice but to agree. He polarizes between what he said to me and what he is now saying to Raymond.

I stand ready to be dropped into a boiling pot of oil at any minute. When the drop is made I am jacks shattered kidneys. Raymond leans around Gary and stares straight at me. Without moving his lips I know already what he has asked.

There is no escaping the dream now. There is no way to avoid the truth. At this point its a dangerous battle against your subconscious. To lie to the Regional Manager is to lie to your very subconscious. The deepest cut.

The hair falls upon the blade.I respond with the truth of where I was.

I am told to get out. But I do not leave. They do. The surroundings do not change but the season does. I am leaning against the wall of the abandoned building, looking down the sights of a rifle. The broken in doorway is silent for a few minutes  . . . but then I hear it. The soft "Ssssssssssss" of a creeper.
It slides across the doorway, aiming right for me. With a sad smile I squeeze the trigger and the creeper explodes, caving the old store and me into a silent crater.

This is when I woke up into another dream.

[30 minutes have gone by, and look at how much was written. There were a few points to this exercise, one is to show you what its like to take breaks while writing, the other is to show you how much can actually be done in just a few short minutes a day. Hopefully this encourages you to realize all it takes is a small block of time, preferably the same time everyday. Just write what comes naturally to you at that moment. Soon, with practice, this should help when it comes to writing essays and other papers for school. Thanks for reading guys, catch ya on the flip side.]


  1. Nice imagery and flow of content. Ever thought of being a writer?

  2. Great exercise! I've got to break out my lyric essay book, there were some really great writing prompts in there that might motivate me to sit down and do some actual creative writing. Nice work for a half an hour - ^ I liked the imagery too!

  3. Great raw piece of work. I'd love to see how it evolves into something polished. And actually, I really love the interruptions, especially the kitty pettings. :3

  4. Nice Fight Club reference.

  5. I enjoyed your foray into the subconscious writing exercise very much. It seems that I have "heard" of this before. ;-)

    Thanks so much for sharing it! Keep writing!!!
